@article{10.18756/edn.74.116, title = {{Was lernen wir vom Wasser?}}, shorttitle = {{Was lernen wir vom Wasser?}}, author = {K{\"u}hl, Johannes}, journal = {Elemente der Naturwissenschaft}, year = {2001}, volume = {74}, pages = {116--126}, url = {https://dx.doi.org/10.18756/edn.74.116}, doi = {10.18756/edn.74.116}, issn = {p-ISSN 0422-9630}, language = {de}, abstract = {
Water is looked upon as something that one can learn from. Learning from nature can be seen as human activity returning to nature what it cannot produce, i.e. human culture. It is shown that water teaches that the origin of form is movement. Life means to be open to the context of the surroundings and fluid behaviour is to produce such a context. Finally, water relates to the process of understanding itself. For that purpose some basic processes of fluid dynamics are described and analysed. It is shown that, for fluid processes, the vortex is a primary phenomenon, a term introduced by Goethe.
Water is looked upon as something that one can learn from. Learning from nature can be seen as human activity returning to nature what it cannot produce, i.e. human culture. It is shown that water teaches that the origin of form is movement. Life means to be open to the context of the surroundings and fluid behaviour is to produce such a context. Finally, water relates to the process of understanding itself. For that purpose some basic processes of fluid dynamics are described and analysed. It is shown that, for fluid processes, the vortex is a primary phenomenon, a term introduced by Goethe.