@article{10.18756/edn.83.90, title = {{A Commitment to Observation}}, shorttitle = {{A Commitment to Observation}}, author = {Theilmann, Florian}, journal = {Elemente der Naturwissenschaft}, year = {2005}, volume = {83}, pages = {90--96}, url = {https://dx.doi.org/10.18756/edn.83.90}, doi = {10.18756/edn.83.90}, issn = {p-ISSN 0422-9630}, language = {en}, abstract = {

In Heft 82 der Elemente nimmt sich Pepe Veugelers eines alten Themas an (Veugelers 2005): den prismatischen Farben. Es geht einmal mehr um den Versuch, die Entstehung prismatischer Farben mit Hilfe von Goethes {\guillemotleft}Urph{\"a}nomen{\guillemotright} zu verstehen. Sein Ansatz, die Wirkung der optischen Dichte des Mediums und dessen Dispersion so zu kombinieren, dass Argumente aus optischen Situationen im Zusammenhang mit {\guillemotleft}streuenden Medien{\guillemotright} anwendbar werden, soll hier kritisch untersucht werden. Dabei wird auch die Frage augeworfen, ob ein solches Unterfangen innerhalb einer {\guillemotleft}goetheanistischen{\guillemotright} Methodik {\"u}berhaupt fruchtbar sein kann.

}, annote = {

In his article Pepe Veugelers (Veugelers 2005) takes up the old issue of whether it is possible to explain {``}prismatic colours{''}, i.e. the characteristically coloured and diffuse transitions between bright and dark structures seen obliquely through a boundary between media of different optical densities, with Goethe{'}s {`}archetypal phenomenon{'}1 ? In other words his project is to explain colours which arise under the use of dispersive optical media in the context of looking through {`}hazy{'} media, i.e. media that in a conventional manner of speaking cause {`}light scattering{'}. I will not try to decide whether such a project can be at all fruitful, although there are some concerns that will be mentioned later, but I will discuss why Veugelers{'} arguments are not convincing for me. Two objections touch his argumentation directly and lead us to more fundamental methodological issues.

} }