TY - JOUR T1 - Goetheanistische Chemie im aktuellen Kontext A1 - Rozumek, Martin JA - Elem. d. Naturw. JF - Elemente der Naturwissenschaft PY - 2006 VL - 84 SP - 37 EP - 71 DO - 10.18756/edn.84.37 SN - p-ISSN 0422-9630 LA - de N2 -

Aktuelle Diskurse zu wissenschaftstheoretischen, ökologischen und ethischen Fragen der Chemie, Fragen ihres Naturbezugs und des ontologischen Status ihrer Gegenstände bewegen sich um Problemstellungen, die eng mit den Denkweisen dieser überaus erfolgreichen Wissenschaft verzahnt sind. Häufig werden dabei nicht nur liebgewonnene Positionen kritisch hinterfragt, sondern methodische Forderungen in Richtung auf phänomenologische Forschungsansätze erhoben. Denen kommen goetheanistisch-chemische Vorgehensweisen entgegen. Als Resultat der Umweltkrise, obwohl diese weitgehend an öffentlicher Aufmerksamkeit verloren hat, erweist sich eine unideologisch betriebene, methodologisch transparente Chemie als «an der Zeit».

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Current discussion on theoretical, ecological and ethical questions of chemistry, questions regarding its relationship to nature and the ontological status of its objects, are centred around issues that are interlinked with the ways of thinking in this highly successful science. It is not unusual for not only cherished standpoints to be examined critically but also methodological demands to be raised that tend towards phenomenological research approaches. These demands are met by the Goethean approach to chemistry. Although it may have escaped the attention of at least the public, as a result of the environmental crisis we are ‘at the flood’ for a chemistry that is non-ideological and methodologically transparent.

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Current discussion on theoretical, ecological and ethical questions of chemistry, questions regarding its relationship to nature and the ontological status of its objects, are centred around issues that are interlinked with the ways of thinking in this highly successful science. It is not unusual for not only cherished standpoints to be examined critically but also methodological demands to be raised that tend towards phenomenological research approaches. These demands are met by the Goethean approach to chemistry. Although it may have escaped the attention of at least the public, as a result of the environmental crisis we are ‘at the flood’ for a chemistry that is non-ideological and methodologically transparent.

ST - Goetheanistische Chemie im aktuellen Kontext UR - https://dx.doi.org/10.18756/edn.84.37 Y2 - 2025-02-05 07:42:05 ER -