TY - JOUR T1 - Entwicklungsbild der Sonnenblume A1 - Jančáryová, Danica JA - Elem. d. Naturw. JF - Elemente der Naturwissenschaft PY - 2007 VL - 87 SP - 31 EP - 42 DO - 10.18756/edn.87.31 SN - p-ISSN 0422-9630 LA - de N2 -
In einem eineinhalbjährigen Projekt (2005/2006) «Wärmeprozesse in der Landwirtschaft» ist Danica Jančáryová der Frage nachgegangen, was Wärmeprozesse kennzeichnet und wo und wie sie Eingang finden in die landwirtschaftliche Praxis. Am Beispiel der Sonnenblume wurden im Rahmen des Versuchs an zwei Standorten in unterschiedlicher Höhenlage jeweils mit und ohne schwarze Folienbedeckung des Bodens die Auswirkungen auf die Gestalt der Pflanze und auf das Fettsäuremuster der Kerne untersucht (Jančáryová 2006). In diesem Zusammenhang machte die Autorin von inneren Empfindungen begleitete, mehr oder weniger intime Beobachtungen zum Entwicklungsbild der Sonnenblume, die hier vorgestellt werden sollen. Solche Beobachtungen können helfen, den Zusammenhang von Gestalt (Geste, z. B. gesenkter Blütenkopf), Färbungen (z. B. der Zungenblüten, der Kerne) mit dem Reifegrad und der inhaltsstofflichen Zusammensetzung z. B. der Kerne «zusammenzuschauen» und so zu einem tieferen Verständnis inhärenter Organismusprozesse wie der Wärme und ihrer Manifestation im Physischen zu gelangen. (Nikolai Fuchs)
N1 -In a project lasting eighteen months (2005-6) entitled ‘Warmth processes in the landscape’, Danica Jančáryová examined what characterises warmth processes and where and how they find their way into farming practice. Using the sunflower as an example, the effects on the shape of the plant and the lipid composition of its seed were investigated at two different sites with differing altitudes, each with and without black plastic sheeting covering the ground. In this context, the author, accompanied by more or less intimate inner feelings, made the observations of the developmental pattern of the sunflower which are presented here. Such observations can help to see in combination the connection of shape (gesture; for example, lowered flower head) and coloration’s (for example, the ligulate flowers, the seeds) with the degree of ripeness and the composition of constituents of, for example, the seed and thereby facilitate a deeper understanding of the inherent organismic processes such as warmth and their manifestation physically.
In a project lasting eighteen months (2005-6) entitled ‘Warmth processes in the landscape’, Danica Jančáryová examined what characterises warmth processes and where and how they find their way into farming practice. Using the sunflower as an example, the effects on the shape of the plant and the lipid composition of its seed were investigated at two different sites with differing altitudes, each with and without black plastic sheeting covering the ground. In this context, the author, accompanied by more or less intimate inner feelings, made the observations of the developmental pattern of the sunflower which are presented here. Such observations can help to see in combination the connection of shape (gesture; for example, lowered flower head) and coloration’s (for example, the ligulate flowers, the seeds) with the degree of ripeness and the composition of constituents of, for example, the seed and thereby facilitate a deeper understanding of the inherent organismic processes such as warmth and their manifestation physically.