TY - JOUR T1 - Das Verhältnis Goethes zur Idee der Metamorphose des Granits A1 - Schmutz, Hans-Ulrich JA - Elem. d. Naturw. JF - Elemente der Naturwissenschaft PY - 2020 VL - 113 SP - 19 EP - 33 DO - 10.18756/edn.113.19 SN - p-ISSN 0422-9630 LA - de N2 -

Die vorliegende Abhandlung entstand beim Verfassen eines Lehrerhandbuches über die Gesteinskunde-Epoche der 6. Klasse an Waldorfschulen (Schmutz 2019). In Lehrerkreisen lebt immer noch stark das Bild, dass Steine Leben in sich haben, ähnlich wie das die Pflanzen offenbaren. Als Begründung wird ein Goethe zugeschriebener Text mit dem Titel «Die Metamorphose des Granits» genannt. Um die Eigenständigkeit der drei Naturreiche Tier, Pflanze und Stein zu charakterisieren, wurde auch die Entstehungsgeschichte des obgenannten Goethe Textes genauer angeschaut, wie sie sich nach neueren Archivforschungen am Weimarer Goethe Archiv darstellt. Die geologischen Aussagen Goethes werden zudem in den Kontext der neueren geologischen Forschung gestellt.

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The present treatise originated from the writing of a handbook for the petrology block in the 6th grade at Waldorf schools (Schmutz 2019). The image that stones have life in them, similar to what plants reveal, is still very much alive in teacher circles. This is attributed to a text by Goethe with the title “The Metamorphosis of Granite”. In order to characterize the independence of the three kingdoms of nature – animal, plant and mineral – the history of the creation of the above-mentioned Goethe text was examined more closely, according to recent archive research at the Weimar Goethe Archive. Goethe’s geological statements were also placed in the context of more recent geological research.

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The present treatise originated from the writing of a handbook for the petrology block in the 6th grade at Waldorf schools (Schmutz 2019). The image that stones have life in them, similar to what plants reveal, is still very much alive in teacher circles. This is attributed to a text by Goethe with the title “The Metamorphosis of Granite”. In order to characterize the independence of the three kingdoms of nature – animal, plant and mineral – the history of the creation of the above-mentioned Goethe text was examined more closely, according to recent archive research at the Weimar Goethe Archive. Goethe’s geological statements were also placed in the context of more recent geological research.

ST - Das Verhältnis Goethes zur Idee der Metamorphose des Granits UR - https://dx.doi.org/10.18756/edn.113.19 Y2 - 2024-09-01 05:18:54 ER -