TY - JOUR T1 - Qualities of Colour A1 - Starrett, Malin JA - Elem. d. Naturw. JF - Elemente der Naturwissenschaft PY - 2021 VL - 114 SP - 24 EP - 51 DO - 10.18756/edn.114.24 SN - p-ISSN 0422-9630 LA - en N2 -

Die Gültigkeit verschiedener Standpunkte wird in Bezug auf einige Experimente von Isaac Newton zum gekreuzten Prisma beleuchtet. Newtons eigene Sichtweise wird neben Goethes Betrachtungsweise(n) auch der seelisch-geistigen Anschauung Rudolf Steiners gegenübergestellt, wie sie in seinen Lichtkurs-Vorträgen diskutiert wird. Durch die Betrachtung von Goethes Herangehensweise an diese und ähnliche Phänomene wird ein neuartiges Verständnis seiner Farbenlehre offengelegt – nämlich dass Goethe innerhalb seiner Theorie mindestens zwei unterschiedliche Gesichtspunkte bezüglich der Entstehung prismatischer Farbphänomene angewendet hat. Die seelisch-geistige Anschauung, die Rudolf Steiner in seinem Lichtkurs vorstellt, kann als eine Weiterentwicklung von zwei verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten innerhalb der Goethe’schen Theorie gesehen werden. Es werden auch einige neue Variationen von Newtons Kreuzungsprismen-Experimenten beschrieben, die die Wirkung von Prismen bei tatsächlichen Spektralfarben mit der Wirkung bei Fotografien von Spektralfarben vergleichen. Hier zeigen sich wesentlich andere Resultate.

Schlüsselwörter: Goethes Theorie, Newtons Optik, Steiners Lichtkurs, aktives Sehen, gekreuzte Prismen, Newtons Experiment 5, Newtons Experiment 7, Farbqualität, Goethes Polemik.

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The validity of various viewpoints are recognised regarding some of Isaac Newton’s Crossed Prisms experiments. Newton’s own viewpoint is placed alongside Goethe’s viewpoint(s) and also the soul-spiritual viewpoint of Rudolf Steiner, as discussed in his Light-Course lectures. From considering Goethe’s approaches to these and similar phenomena, a novel understanding of his Theory of Colour is made obvious – that Goethe was utilising at least two different viewpoints regarding the formation of prismatic colour phenomena within his theory. The soul-spiritual viewpoint presented by Rudolf Steiner in his Light-Course can be seen as a development of two different viewpoints within Goethe’s theory. Some new variations of Newton’s Crossed Prisms experiments are also described, which explore the action of prisms on actual spectral colours as compared to photographs of spectral colours. When compared in this way, substantially different behaviours are displayed.

Keywords: Goethe’s Theory, Newton’s Opticks, Steiner’s Light-Course, Active Vision, Crossed Prisms Experiments, Newton’s Experiment 5, Newton’s Experiment 7, Colour Quality, Goethe’s Polemic.

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The validity of various viewpoints are recognised regarding some of Isaac Newton’s Crossed Prisms experiments. Newton’s own viewpoint is placed alongside Goethe’s viewpoint(s) and also the soul-spiritual viewpoint of Rudolf Steiner, as discussed in his Light-Course lectures. From considering Goethe’s approaches to these and similar phenomena, a novel understanding of his Theory of Colour is made obvious – that Goethe was utilising at least two different viewpoints regarding the formation of prismatic colour phenomena within his theory. The soul-spiritual viewpoint presented by Rudolf Steiner in his Light-Course can be seen as a development of two different viewpoints within Goethe’s theory. Some new variations of Newton’s Crossed Prisms experiments are also described, which explore the action of prisms on actual spectral colours as compared to photographs of spectral colours. When compared in this way, substantially different behaviours are displayed.

Keywords: Goethe’s Theory, Newton’s Opticks, Steiner’s Light-Course, Active Vision, Crossed Prisms Experiments, Newton’s Experiment 5, Newton’s Experiment 7, Colour Quality, Goethe’s Polemic.

ST - Qualities of Colour UR - https://dx.doi.org/10.18756/edn.114.24 Y2 - 2024-04-16 06:45:50 ER -