TY - JOUR T1 - Water as a Mediator for Life A1 - Wilkes, A. John JA - Elem. d. Naturw. JF - Elemente der Naturwissenschaft PY - 2001 VL - 74 SP - 34 EP - 51 DO - 10.18756/edn.74.34 SN - p-ISSN 0422-9630 LA - en N2 -

Wir sind in Rhythmen eingebettet, von ihnen umgeben und abhängig, und doch bleiben sie ein Geheimnis. Leben und Rhythmus bilden eine Einheit. Wasser ist der empfindlichste Träger und Vermittler von Rhythmen. In den Fünfzigerjahren des 20. Jahrhunderts hat sich George Adams mit den Einflüssen beschäftigt, die bestimmte mathematische Oberflächen auf Wasser haben können. Die so genannten Weg-Kurven-Oberflächen sind eng verbunden mit generativen Formen, die in gesunden Naturzusammenhängen vorkommen und 2.8. an Knospen, Zapfen und Eiern beobachtet werden können. Nach intensiven morphologischen Studien konnte die folgende Frage formuliert werden, die mich seit den Siebzigerjahren beschäftigt: «Ist es möglich, ein Gefäß oder gar ein <Organ> zu bauen, in dem fließendes Wasser sein Potential für Ordnung und Verwandlung zum Ausdruck bringen kann?»

Experimente zeigten allmählich, dass Rhythmen eher als Ergebnis von Widerstand als von irgend welchen mechanischen Vorgängen betrachtet werden müssen. Die Flowform-Methode, mit der rhythmische, lemniskatförmige Fließbewegungen erzeugt werden können, machte eine enge Beziehung zwischen Oberfläche, Proportionen und Rhythmus sichtbar. Darüber hinaus konnte gezeigt werden, dass der Einfluss von Wegkurven in Kombination mit Rhythmen untersucht und in ihrer Wirkung auf die Wasserqualität bestimmt werden kann, wenn sie in einer richtigen Relation zueinander stehen. Der Erhalt der lebensunterstützenden Energie im Wasser wird weiterhin ein zentrales Forschungsthema unseres Institutes sein.

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We are embedded within, surrounded by and dependent upon rhythms of all kinds and yet they remain a mystery. Life and rhythm are indeed one. Water is the most sensitive carrier and mediator of rhythm. George Adams during the mid years of the 20th century was concerned with the influences particular mathematical surfaces might have upon water. These so-called path-curve surfaces are intimately involved with generative forms such as buds, comes and eggs that occur in a natural healthy context. Due to extensive morphological studies the question which attracted my attention in 1970 could be expressed as follows. «Would it be possible to create for streaming water a vessel or indeed an <organ> which would enable it to manifest its potential to order and metamorphosis?»As a result of experimentation it became gradually clear to me that rhythms are the result of resistance rather than some kind of mechanical process. The resulting Flowform Method which demonstrates a rhythmical lemniscatory process, made evident the close relationship between surface, proportion and rhythm. It immediately became possible to show that the influence of path-curves, combined with rhythms could be investigated regarding their influence upon the quality of water when correct relationships were made available. The redeeming of life-supporting energy in water will remain predominantly the subject of our investigations in the Institute.

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We are embedded within, surrounded by and dependent upon rhythms of all kinds and yet they remain a mystery. Life and rhythm are indeed one. Water is the most sensitive carrier and mediator of rhythm. George Adams during the mid years of the 20th century was concerned with the influences particular mathematical surfaces might have upon water. These so-called path-curve surfaces are intimately involved with generative forms such as buds, comes and eggs that occur in a natural healthy context. Due to extensive morphological studies the question which attracted my attention in 1970 could be expressed as follows. «Would it be possible to create for streaming water a vessel or indeed an <organ> which would enable it to manifest its potential to order and metamorphosis?»As a result of experimentation it became gradually clear to me that rhythms are the result of resistance rather than some kind of mechanical process. The resulting Flowform Method which demonstrates a rhythmical lemniscatory process, made evident the close relationship between surface, proportion and rhythm. It immediately became possible to show that the influence of path-curves, combined with rhythms could be investigated regarding their influence upon the quality of water when correct relationships were made available. The redeeming of life-supporting energy in water will remain predominantly the subject of our investigations in the Institute.

ST - Water as a Mediator for Life UR - https://dx.doi.org/10.18756/edn.74.34 Y2 - 2024-09-01 02:56:18 ER -