TY - JOUR T1 - Wasser und Energie A1 - Sonder, Georg JA - Elem. d. Naturw. JF - Elemente der Naturwissenschaft PY - 2001 VL - 74 SP - 62 EP - 68 DO - 10.18756/edn.74.62 SN - p-ISSN 0422-9630 LA - de N2 -

Im folgenden Beitrag wird versucht, am Beispiel der Wasserkraft den Energiefluss angefangen beim Flusslauf bis zu seiner Erscheinungsform in den elektrischen Leitungen - zu verfolgen. Da die Energie nicht sinnlich wahrnehmbar ist, sondern nur an ihren Wirkungen wahrgenommen werden kann, werden «Bilder» von Energie entworfen, die Aspekte von «Energie» darstellen. Die Energie zeigt sich als Phänomen im Zusammenspiel von unserem physischen Raum und dem Gegenraum.

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Energy flow can be traced from a stream or river to a hydroelectric dam and thence via the turbine and generator to the electricity transmission lines. A particular aspect of energy, its «sensory imperceptibility» is examined. The energy flows with the water and circulates through the moving parts of the machines to the electrical conductors which carry it away to the consumer. The energy flow moves as if in a space which is inaccessible to human senses. George Adams shows that energy as a physical quantity, the product of force and distance, is on the border of the perceptible Euclidean space and the imaginable «counterspace», to which he assigns etheric forces.

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Energy flow can be traced from a stream or river to a hydroelectric dam and thence via the turbine and generator to the electricity transmission lines. A particular aspect of energy, its «sensory imperceptibility» is examined. The energy flows with the water and circulates through the moving parts of the machines to the electrical conductors which carry it away to the consumer. The energy flow moves as if in a space which is inaccessible to human senses. George Adams shows that energy as a physical quantity, the product of force and distance, is on the border of the perceptible Euclidean space and the imaginable «counterspace», to which he assigns etheric forces.

ST - Wasser und Energie UR - https://dx.doi.org/10.18756/edn.74.62 Y2 - 2025-02-01 12:55:52 ER -