Die Esche – Baum der Mitte

Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 88, 2008, P. 22-38 | DOI: 10.18756/edn.88.22


The growth of trees influences the creation of ensouled space differently from that of herbaceous plants. When experiencing a landscape it is not immaterial whether beech predominates, or birch for example. How can the characteristic ‘radiation’ of an individual tree species be traced and understood inwardly? This article addresses the question in detail with the phenomenology of the ash. From this it emerges that the ash combines and intensifies contrasting qualities in its external features and life processes. It occurs and flourishes in very different kinds of landscape and even vitalises them through its growth. In the course of the seasons the ash has the closest possible connection with the sun and can only flourish in areas with pronounced seasonal changes. Its balanced and at the same time balancing nature can aptly be characterised with the words of Hildegard von Bingen: The ash is (sense) picture of considered judgement. Herein lies also its therapeutic possibilities.

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