Establishing the Influence of Character, Health and Other Characteristics of the Cow on its Milk Using the Biocrystallisation Method

Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 113, 2020, P. 34-56 | DOI: 10.18756/edn.113.34


In this paper we describe how various characteristics of the cow are reflected in the crystallisation pictures of its milk. It is the first larger scale investigation of the milk of individual cows by means of a picture forming method. Nine sets of crystallisation picture characteristics were discerned. Each set combines similar phenomena encountered on the crystallisation pictures, such as: disturbance of the structure, stiffening and strong presence. At the same time, attributes relating to character, health and certain other characteristics of the cows were gathered in 21 cow categories. Linking the sets of crystallisation picture characteristics with the cow categories, three main cow categories were found: fiery, inconspicuous and fearful. They are associated with an outward-reaching, a neutral and a withdrawing character trait, respectively. Interestingly, the gestures of these character traits could be directly linked with the gestures found on the relevant crystallisation pictures. Moreover, other features of the character traits were encountered on crystallisation pictures that were typical for these character traits. This indicates that the biocrystallisation method can capture character-related features. We also found that the most striking sets of crystallisation picture characteristics were not present for the youngest cows, but very present for the oldest cows, which suggests that the typical character of a cow takes time to be embodied.

Keywords: biocrystallisation, cow milk quality

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