Strömungsvorgänge beim Tropfbildversuch und Beziehungen zwischen Probe, Strömungsprozess und Bild

Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 81, 2004, P. 5-22 | DOI: 10.18756/edn.81.5


With Theodor Schwenk’s drop-picture method in the so-called drop-picture experiments water samples are photographed after perturbation by allowing droplets of distilled water to fall onto them. The flow pictures produced say something visually about the composition of the water under investigation. To understand how the flow forms happen in the so-called drop-pictures, the flow processes are investigated in volumes of the water samples as well as at the surface of thin layers of them. Through the process of penetration of the droplet into the surface, a ring of vortices arises in the layer which form themselves into the overall drop-picture. Spreading processes at the surface of the sample can lead to unstable layering from which radial linear structures emerge.

Further appraisal of drop-pictures was carried out by studying the connections between single parameters or sample properties and the flow processes and pictures. Amongst other things, in the development of the linear structures a polarity between more straight, radial and more curved, concentric patterns occurred under very different polar conditions.

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