The Vision of Heavenly Harmony The work of John Martineau, 1996-2006

Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 99, 2013, P. 76-88 | DOI: 10.18756/edn.99.76


Do Harmony and Proportion exist in the heavens? In 1995, A Book of Coincidence was published by John Martineau. As a study of heavenly harmonies, its appeal was visual rather than intellectual or mathematical. As John Michell wrote in his foreword, ‘The remarkable fact proved in this book is that the bodies of the solar system and their orbits are related to each other more or less precisely by a series of basic geometric figures. To perceive this fact one does not have to be a mathematician; it is clearly illustrated in John Martineau’s diagrams. Anyone can understand these, and the harmonies which they demonstrate among the planets are undeniably real.’ [...]

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