Blattstellungen und Blumenspiralen

Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 105, 2016, P. 27-42 | DOI: 10.18756/edn.105.27


The leaf nodes of many plant species are distributed spirally around the stems. According to remarks by Rudolf Steiner in ‘The Spiritual Beings in Celestial Bodies and the Realms of Nature’ (Vol. 136) this distribution is related to the orbit of planets. Here, this concept is represented graphically. It is shown how all phyllotaxis can be derived from the geocentric orbits of Mercury, Venus and the moon or from their interplay. The vertical spirals of phyllotaxy are spread horizontally in flower baskets. Numerous flower spirals are analysed with respect to the geometrical laws underlying the arrangement of individual flowers. In schematic representations, distinct spiral families are identified and highlighted for recounting.

  • Bauer, H. (1988): Die lemniskatischen Planetenbewegungen, Stuttgart.
  • Steiner, R. (1912): Die geistigen Wesenheiten in den Himmelskörpern und Naturreichen. 5. Auflage, Dornach 1984, GA 136.
  • Kranich, E.-M. (1976): Pflanze und Kosmos, Stuttgart.
  • Schultz, J. (1949): Die Blattstellung im Pflanzenreich als Ausdruck kosmi scher Gesetzmässigkeiten, Sonderdruck aus «Goethe in unserer Zeit», Dornach.