Salz – zum Verständnis von Formbildung und Bewusstseinsbildung

Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 109, 2018, P. 36-50 | DOI: 10.18756/edn.109.36


An understanding of the relation between salt processes, the actions of the pharmacist and the therapeutic effect of salts on the Ego-Organisation of the human being is sought. Perspectives from chemistry and alchemy were taken to trace the meaning of the form of crystals. The polarity between spherical and quadratic forms is addressed by the motto of Angelus Silesius. In the realm of the spherical we find amourphous clay minerals and substances of the living organism. Both are permeated with water, easily transformable and thus transient. In the realm of the quadratic, on the other hand, translucent crystals are formed according to geometric laws and thus are said to be eternal. Pure form is recognised and visualised by the higher senses, in particular by the sense of thought and concept. Therefore form stands on the same level as linguistic concept. The acquisition of new concepts is an achievement of the Ego-Organisation and is associated with an expansion of consciousness. Observing the crystallisation of salts ellicits the pharmacist’s understanding of form building processes. On the same spiritual level, salts used as remedies appeal to the Ego-Organism of the patient to regulate the functions of the physical, etheric and astral body in particular.

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