Der landwirtschaftliche Organismus

Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 120, 2024, P. 46-57 | DOI: 10.18756/edn.120.46


Developing a farm as a “living organism” is an important concept in the Agricultural Course that Rudolf Steiner gave in Koberwitz in 1924. Although that was 100 years ago, the need to put this concept into practice is becoming increasingly important and has never been as urgent as it is now. This article attempts to shed light on this idea using concepts of modern biology and to point out some related important aspects of it using the example of a Demeter farm in Slovenia. New approaches in organismic biology can identify and describe more and more characteristics of a living organism that cannot be reduced to inorganic principles. For the farm, however, these characteristics are not already present, as is the case with plants, animals or humans, but rather represent ideals that must first be created by the human being, as a designer of the processes on the farm.

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