Stufen der Zeit

Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 53, 1990, P. 69-85 | DOI: 10.18756/edn.53.69


Taking Rudolf Steiners description of evolution into account, four different modes of time can be found, beginning with the simplest relation between consecutive phenomena, where the former one gives way to the following one, without leaving a trace (inorganic nature). In a second step (life), the former situation metamorphoses into those that follow. For beings that react to percepts according to their instincts, to an inner frame, reoccurance of events becomes meaningful. Lastly human individuals can refer to past events at will and act without outer incentives, their cooperation bringing forth an outlook towards a fifth mode. The different modes of time can be understood to relate to the elements: warmth, gas, fluid and solids in this order. For each step in evolution a principle of temporal relationship becomes essential, that is contradictory to those that were natural before. [...]

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