Ein Weg zum Verständnis der Echten Kamille über den Vergleich mit anderen Kamille—Arten

Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 60, 1994, P. 9-31 | DOI: 10.18756/edn.60.9


Descriptions of selected species of the sub-family Asteraceae are compared with the true camomile Matricaria recutita L. Gestures of the different species can be ranked according to various principles, which are related to Goethe’s idea of archetype. As a result, each species exhibits a particular gesture, i.c. the dissolving of Matricaria recutita L. by its warm-sweet fragrance accompanied by the evaginating of the plant with respect to blooming and seed production. On the other hand plants can be found, like Anthemis tinctoria L., that develop persistent clinging to the ground with stowed main sprout, showing dry-hard and simple-faced leaves and bound fragrance. Plantforms between these two polarities, like Matricaria inodora L., exhibit a sturdy and straight main sprout, soft, finely primate leaves, without fragrance and a concentration of bitter taste. The well-known medical plant Matricaria recutita L. represents an extreme: It overstresses the aspect of blossoming and warming and reflects its healing capacity in the realm of warmth and metabolism of man.

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