Dimensionen des Menschseins als Dimensionen von Naturschutz
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The Conservation of nature is not identical with the conservation of the environment. Nature, whose conservation is at stake, cannot be grasped in categories of contemporary so called natural sciences. Moreover, nature does not find herself adequately represented in democratic decision making processes. Necessary critiques of the defense of the environment - it effectively plays down the destruction that is going on - and of democratic processes - which are merely background music to the sellout of nature - are two important constituents in bringing the meaning of the words «conservation of nature» to light. This new comprehension must be positive and based on a relation of respect for nature which is to be preserved in its rests and which must be established on a new footing through changes of perspective: The present instrumental knowledge of nature can be transformed into a contemplative (symbolic) understanding and further to a (sacramental) relationship on the basis of personal recognition.