Beobachtungen an westeuropäischen Tagfaltern

Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 53, 1990, S. 22-40 | DOI: 10.18756/edn.53.22


Coloured Wings are the major manifestation of butterflies. In the present article a methodological approach is described to grasp the context of this phenomenon, on the basis of observations by Suchantke (1974, 1976). After eclosion from the pupa the colours of the wings are established definitely. As a consequence the actual correspondence between the colours of the actual environment and those of the butterflies are mediated by their behaviour. It can be seen that first, the correspondence is restricted to a specific part of the surroundings and second, the observer participates in it. By means of a flexible, behaviour—dependent concept of specific environment (environment and coat of rest, environment and coat of flight) it is possible to elucidate the context of colour.

An analysis of Browns, Skippers, Blues and Whites in meadows is presented. In addition, it is shown preliminarily that the colours of the Wings contribute substantially to characteristics of a butterfly. [...]

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