Das Wasser in der Nutzung durch den Menschen

Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 74, 2001, S. 26-33 | DOI: 10.18756/edn.74.26


The establishment of the first towns of early civilisations after about 3000 BC was made possible through sufficient food supplies from agriculture and the management of drinking water, sewage and rainwater. All human activity resulted from a harmonious connection with the natural world which was experienced as the work of the gods. The traditions were continued during the intellectual civilisations of the Greeks and Romans (800-500 BC). But in the Middle Ages people largely forgot the knowledge of hygiene that had been gained and infectious diseases proliferated. With the development of technology in the 19th century the first rational solutions to supplying drinking water and disposing of sewage were constructed; though with these the living context was largely overlooked. Later it was possible through knowledge of hygiene and science to put right earlier mistakes in some regions. However, a culture of squandering drinking water became established and lack of attention to proper handling of rainwater continued. Today is no lack of knowledge can be brought forward for the sensible management at all levels of drinking water, sewage and rainwater as well as toxic environmental pollutants.

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