Zufall und Freiheit im Kontext der Naturwissenschaften

Teil I: Kausalität und Konditionalität
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 78, 2003, P. 178-193 | DOI: 10.18756/edn.78.178


It will be shown that on the basis of an unrestricted epistemology an analysis of fundamental concepts and methodological transitions encompassing the realm of the physical sciences leads to fruitful viewpoints for a deeper understanding of such scientific inquiries in their relation to the human being.

The occasion-consequence relationship as well as the condition-sequel relationship of events are special cases of the cause-effect relationship, given some definite limitations of our subjective knowledge. Revertible condition-sequel relationships are called reciprocal. In addition, there are temporal and spatial conditionsequel relationships according to the temporal or spatial relationship of the conditions and their sequels. The causal determinism of cause-effect relationships has its counterpart in the conditional determinism of condition-sequel relationships.

Side by side with the condition-sequel relationship is the condition-random event relationship on the basis of the existence of conditional random events. This opens up the realm of conditional indeterminism and, in a further step, objective indeterminism.

In a second and third part of this treatise we go more deeply into the structure of the experiment as well as into the process of gaining knowledge in the realm of classical and quantum physics; the fourth part encompasses random processes and randomisation as an experimental technique.

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