Über die Bedeutung von Lautsinn und Begriffssinn bei der Beurteilung von Kristallisationsbildern

Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 87, 2007, P. 68-75 | DOI: 10.18756/edn.87.68


When judging pictures in the method of sensitive crystallisation, a fundamental question arises as to the observation of what is pictorial in nature. This paper reports how far, with the sense of sound and the sense of concept, the complex aspects of a picture are experiencable as a whole at the level of inner feeling. Following Goethe’s approach to archetypes, as formulated in his publications on his idea of the type, we show the importance of the two senses for the individual steps from first encountering the picture to judging it. In this we describe changes in the pictures within a series of pictures using process concepts as gestures and thus develop characterisations of the samples under investigation.

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