Form und Bewegung und die Entstehung von Neuerungen in der Evolution
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Locomotion, alternating with resting phases, contributes to the maintenance and shaping of the form of the locomotion apparatus. According to West-Eberhard’s (2003) model of evolution, ontogenetic changes of form are also relevant to phylogeny, in that either the plastic capacity of the organism to react in the course of evolution is increased, or variants are selected that are better able to react plastically. In the late Palaeozoic and in the Mesozoic there were form changes in evolutionary series according to load changes. Thus the 2-3-3-3-3 configuration of mammalian phalanges first arose functionally, then morphologically. In Cistecephalus some characteristics of the hand relevant for burrowing formed only when the hand was used for burrowing. The way in which an individual moves can ultimately react on phylogeny.