Wirkstoffkomposition – die Kunst im Arzneimittel

Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 97, 2012, P. 5-28 | DOI: 10.18756/edn.97.5


Trying to establish composition in pharmacy is as risky as trying to connect art with science. Of central importance for harmony is that substances (melodies) and processes (thematic development) have to fit together, interlace, and even be able to enhance one another. This study is based on the actual manufacture of the pharmaceutical preparation «oat ash with magnesium phosphate» (Cinis e fructibus Avenae sativae cum Magnesio phosphorico). Salt and ash as well as the salt and ash processes are discussed. In order to develop the concept of composition, substances and processes are related to each other in three different ways: as conglomerate in the sense of placing them next to each other, as conformation meaning moulding them together and as composition. The article concludes with a brief overview of the therapeutic potential of an active substance which has an influence upon the composition 'human being'.

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