Der Naturforscher Goethe im Prisma der Fachwissenschaften, insbesondere der Biologie

Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 98, 2013, P. 33-46 | DOI: 10.18756/edn.98.33


The brief overview presented here is part of the annotations to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's morphological works, which, together with Rudolf Steiner's introductions to them (from GA1), have been prepared for the first comprehensive Russian edition of Goethe's natural scientific writings. It is intended to familiarise Russian-speaking readers with the context of the questions and attempts at answers in which the ideas of Goetheanism still figure today. This overview is aimed at both the general reader and people with specialist knowledge (biologists, Waldorf-Steiner teachers, anthroposophical doctors etc.), but at the same time restricts itself to a few of the most important directions of development in the relevant branches of science. Thomas Kleinbub undertook the German translation.

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