Biologische «Quantensprünge» bei der Sprossgestaltung von Kakteen
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft
5-31 |
Article | Language: German | €6.00
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Often different phyllotactic patterns occur in plants of the same species or even in shoots of the same plant. On plants with densely standing “eyes,” like the cacti, the phyllotactic pattern is well recognizable. It is usually strictly geometric. Despite the obvious “kinship” of these patterns, they can not change into each other continuously, but only by leaps and bounds. The principle of such volatility is examined here in order to obtain a model for less clear delimitations of organisms, of organ forms, and of modes of formation, as well as their interrelations in metamorphosis. It is hoped that this will also shed light on periodicities in the inorganic range. Keywords: Golden Ratio, Metamorphosis, Phyllotaxis, Quantum Leaps