Zur Zuordnung anthroposophischgeisteswissenschaftlicher Zeitalter zur geologischen Zeitskala – Blick auf eine kontroverse Diskussion am Beispiel des Mondenaustritts
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Steiner and a number of anthroposophical authors have repeatedly dealt with the question of how the ages of Steiner’s spiritual science can be paralleled with the geological time scale. However, such attribution is still a contentious issue today. Since the dating of the moon’s separation from the earth is a key point for the question of parallelisation, this paper is primarily concerned with ascertaining the timing of this event. Simply put, there are two different perspectives on this within the anthroposophical community: the moon’s egression in the Mesozoic and, alternatively, in the Precambrian. In order to contribute to the clarification of this question, both Steiner’s descriptions and the findings of astrophysics and geology are evaluated, and several publications by anthroposophical authors are included in the comparison. Based on various passages from Steiner’s complete works, the author justifies the view that from an anthroposophical perspective the moon’s separation is more likely to have occurred in the Precambrian. Therefore, an overlap between the middle of the Lemurian Age and the Hadean is highly probable.