Lebensräume und Blattmetamorphose der Präparatepflanzen

Ein Beitrag zum Verständnis der Kompostpräparate in der biologisch- dynamischen Landwirtschaft
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 55, 1991, P. 21-40 | DOI: 10.18756/edn.55.21


The problem of making biological-dynamic preparations in climates where the recommended 6 plants do not grow readily is outlined. If a certain plant is to be replaced by another one the original species must be known thoroughly. Moreover the coherence in their mutual relationship must be understood. A comparison was initiated of all 6 original species taking into account their characteristic environments as well as the metamorphosis of leaf-forms. Sketches of the moods of three of the environments have been related to the style of the metamorphosis shown by the respective plants. Questions for future investigations are raised.

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