Eine kleine Methodenbetrachtung und ihre Folgen

Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 56, 1992, P. 34-47 | DOI: 10.18756/edn.56.34


In the course of a project aiming at a synopsis of the sweet grasses (poaceae), certain methodological questions urged their analysis. This paper describes the path which led the author in her considerations. A central principle of Goethe illuminates the problem on hand: The method must be chosen in such a way, that it fits the matter to be understood. Clearly, this principle has been adhered to in the past, as different sciences relating to the realms of Nature were developed. But it was a surprise to find this principle relevant within the limits of a plant family. Examples are discussed and show that the aesthetic nature of the approach let the methodological problem arrise. Obviously, this fact ist not exclusively of interest for botanists. What are applications of such knowledge? What ist its practical value? Above all, how well are we prepared for an esoteric mode of science?

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