Wärme auf der Grenze zwischen positiver und negativer Materialität im Lichte der modernen Physik

Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 60, 1994, P. 1-8 | DOI: 10.18756/edn.60.1


What properties can be associated with negative matter? Rudolf Steiner coined the phrase, postulating that the sun is an object of this sort. Positive matter may be characterised by its spatial expansion and its exclusion principle. Modern physics often encounters properties opposite to those we are used to associate with positive matter. In this paper examples for such negative material properties are discussed. It becomes meaningful to speak of processes of materialisation and, vice versa, of dematerialisation. In the field of thermal phenomena both work hand in hand. The objects on the atomic level seem to swing between both processes. If we take the sun to be the whole of heliosphere i.e. the region in which it is active, then there are reasons to associate negative material properties to this whole sun. The phenomena of comets can be understood as a result of the interaction between material properties of the heliosphere. [...]

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