Cupric chloride crystallization with human blood.

Study of pictures obtained in different pathologies
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 61, 1994, P. 25-39 | DOI: 10.18756/edn.61.25


We have studied the different pictures that appear after cupric chloride crystallization in the presence of blood in a bidimensional circular plane system. We describe the method in its various technical aspects and define the optimal conditions to obtain these pictures. In healthy subjects (chosen as controls), the crystallization was more regular than in non-healthy subjects. In 80 patients classified into 8 pathological groups there were crystallization alterations leading to geometrical figures. The different figures obtained are listed and schematized. An experimental procedure with less complex media than blood (i.e amino-acid solutions, serum albumin dilutions) demonstrates the influence of protein in eliciting forms. The statistical study showed significant differences between most of the patient groups and a relation between a single alteration »Form« frequency and an etiological group. Some crystallization patterns were also correlated with known variations of some different seric proteins. This report shows a one to one relationship between pathology and pattern allowing one to »visualize« a pathological state on a crystallographic picture.

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