«Stoffe sind festgehaltene Prozesse»
Elemente eines neuen Stoffbegriffs
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In the work presented here an inverted understanding of substance is developed which can take its place beside modern chemistry’s predominantly atomistic and mechanistic understanding of substance as a complementary extension. Instead of explaining chemical processes and the effects of substances from their properties, an attempt is made to follow Rudolf Steiner’s suggestion of conceiving substances as material precipitates of processes, as “processes which have become trapped”1.. Thus, besides the source of raw materials, the production process as well as the chemical, toxicological, ecological etc. properties of substances, the ideal connections of their discovery and production as well as the economic and social contexts of their application are taken into consideration. This approach succeeds in providing a balance to some of the shortcomings shown by the predominant understanding of substance, despite all its success, shortcomings which are particularly noticeable when chemically processed substances are allowed to come into contact with the living world.