Elemente der Blattstellungslehre und ihr Wert für ein Verständnis der komplexen Wirklichkeit

Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 120, 2024, P. 5-26 | DOI: 10.18756/edn.120.5


An examination of a particular specimen of the cactus species Geohintonia mexicana is made, with comparative observations of other plants, that on the one hand, shows clear characteristics of a continuous golden ratio-spiral sequence of organ formation throughout its metamorphosis during its initial growth (rib multiplication), but on the other hand, shows strange deviations from the geometric areole position observed in comparable cases. Attempts are made to explain these deviations by referring to the likely involvement of a geometry that initially appears to be contradictory: the alternating whorl. This special case is intended to strengthen the confidence that is so essential for a Goetheanist worldview, in the reconcilability of seemingly mutually exclusive design principles.

Keywords: Goethe, metamorphosis, leaf position theory (phyllotaxis), alternation, equidistance, superposition, Fibonacci numbers, Golden Section

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  • Internet: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euphorbia_abyssinica