Gedanken zur Komplementarität

Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 58, 1993, P. 64-75 | DOI: 10.18756/edn.58.64


The Principle of Complementarity discovered by Niels Bohr in the twenties of this century has had an enormous impact on physics but little substantial influence on our understanding of Nature as a whole. In this paper the aristotelic concept of sight is looked at again. There the realm of the transparent is given a central role, being in either one of two states, i.e. of action and potential. When energetic processes at a distance occur in the realm of «blackness», then the transparent space is in the state of action. It is shown that colour can be associated to the transparent (physical colours), to energetic processes (chemical colour) and to vision. These three views all seem to be in complementary relations to each other. Some further complementary relationships that follow Aristotle’s relation of action and potential are pointed out.

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