Materialien und Methoden zu einer Beurteilung von Betrieben durch pflanzen-morphologische Beobachtungen
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft
1-24 |
Article | Language: German | €6.00
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This study is not meant to be a mere result. It rather incites to persue the digesting of the basic observation of plant morphology and its comparison. Different attempts of judgement have been undertaken: 1. on the basis of the farm as an entity; 2. on the basis of the plant and its variation of form; 3. on the basis of special cases in relation to a given farm and its management. Despite the restriction of the material it was surprinsing to experience the pronounced differentiation as a result of the different ways of comparison. The concept of the»farm being an individuality«has greatly influenced the present study. Therefore it is discussed in some detail.