Gentechnik und die Eigenwürde der Natur

Mein Weg zur ethischen Urteilsbildung
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 63, 1995, P. 1-13 | DOI: 10.18756/edn.63.1


This essay describes some personal experiences of the author in coming to an ethical judgement about the genetic modification of animals. Ethical judgement always has a social and a cognitive component. The ideal of ethical individualism and social processes of decision-making about ethical questions stand in a dynamic relationship to one another. Cognitively there is the question of the moral status of plants and animals (instrumental or intrinsic value) and what this means in relation to the genetic modification of living organisms. Modern techniques force us to reconsider the question of essentialism in biology. It is maintained that phenomenological methods of studying nature are necessary to deal with this question.

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