Ein Weg zum Verständnis der Typusidee durch den Artenvergleich
Ein Weg zum Verständnis der Echten Kamille über den Vergleich mit anderen Kamillearten (Teil 2)
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This is a continuation of the article printed in Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 60. Based on the morphological description of selected species of the sub-familiy Asteraceae, the attempt is made to come to a closer understanding of Goethe’s concept of the archetype. Attention is focused on four typical aspects of this species: leaf primatation, the tendency towards above ground dendritification, the changing relationship stalk-blossom in the course of the year and qualitative aspects of the blossoms themselves. An understanding of the formative principles leads to observations concerning the elements. The typically primated leaf-form and the many blooming branches reveal the relationship of the atmospheric forces (air). This is however completely suppressed in the forces revealed by the form perceptible at the bottom of the flowers. Here we recognize the signature of the elements «earth» and «air» in what can be called a highly concentrated flowering (concentrated - earth, flowering - warmth