Über die Bewußtseinsschwelle zwischen einer Chemie des Unbelebten und einer Chemie des Belebten

Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 64, 1996, P. 22-36 | DOI: 10.18756/edn.64.22


The contergan-(thalidomide)-catastrophe has revealed the destructive power of a racemate (an equimolar mixture of stereoisomers in optically inactive form) to generate teratogenic effects in man. The historical development of the chemistry of stereoisomers has to be taken into account as a cause for this disaster. Between the chemistry of the anorganic and living nature there is a threshold of which we need to become conscious: It is situated between the methodical approach leading to the representation of geometrical molecular models and the effects called forth by substances and their related perceptual sensations. The historical development of anorganic chemistry has to be complemented by a conceptual, as well as experimental chemistry that takes into account the life-organisation (in the sense of R. Steiners concept of the etheric body). An approach to this challenge can be found in the active inner participation of the scientist. An understanding of the effect of substances is gained on the basis of consciously experienced sense perceptions and their related sensations. These together unravel the path towards the unconscious levels of one’s own existence and that of the natural contexts, as well.

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