Ästhetische Erkenntnis als Quellpunkt des Hauptunterrichts

Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 78, 2003, P. 116-121 | DOI: 10.18756/edn.78.116


The Waldorf-Steiner school main lesson is structured in a threefold way in the sequence of stages to knowledge comprising ‘experiential connection’ (Schluss), judgement and concept, as presented by Rudolf Steiner in the ninth lecture of “The Study of Man” (Steiner 1919). Thus, in its outer temporal form it is to be understood as an aesthetic phenomenon like a three-part sonata. But its aesthetic model should be regarded both more broadly and more deeply. In the part which is de-voted to the presentation of some new aspect of the world, the teacher helps the pupil to make an ‘experiential connection’. This involves the child being open to the appearance of the phe-nomenon in direct sensorial cognition, before any conceptual activity. This is none other than the moment of aesthetic activity, if we take the concept ‘aesthetics’ in its original meaning, as a philosophy of sensorial experience. It reveals the core of the main lesson as an aesthetic process from which arises all lesson technique.

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