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Elemente der Naturwissenschaft121,2024
What appears at first glance to be very specialised microbiological insider knowledge, on closer inspection turns out to be an insight with revolutionary potential. With the increasing depth of our molecular and genetic analytical capabilities, a... read more
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft121,2024
In this paper, I focus on the observation of thinking that Rudolf Steiner indicates in his Philosophy of Freedom. In an article on the same subject, R. Ziegler (2023) progresses from the usual sense oriented and thought experiments to what he calls... read more
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft120,2024
An examination of a particular specimen of the cactus species Geohintonia mexicana is made, with comparative observations of other plants, that on the one hand, shows clear characteristics of a continuous golden ratio-spiral sequence of organ... read more
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft119,2023
Experimentation is at the core of the natural sciences. Experiments are done for different reasons. They differ substantially from observations, where naturally occurring processes are taken note of or measured. Experiments... read more
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft119,2023In the Light Course, Rudolf Steiner introduces the term “turbidity” in the 2nd lecture in connection with prismatic colours, surprisingly in the sense of an independent radiation comparable to the primary radiation of light. Since... read more
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft118,2023Although the term “ether geography” is often used, there is no methodological clarity or systematic understanding of the term. Nevertheless, there is a wealth of related, but different approaches, which can be understood as ether... read more