Zur Forschungsaufgabe einer goetheanistischen Biochemie
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 56, 1992
A truly Goetheanistic understanding of the chemical processes in living organisms is barely developed, but urgently needed. It is proposed that it should, first of all, be based on actual results - not theoretical considerations - of contemporary research in conventional... Read More
Die Gleichungen der vier Ätherarten in Rudolf Steiners zweitem naturwissenschaftlichen Kurs
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 56, 1992
It was pointed out by Rudolf Steiner that diffential equations governing the »four ethers« can be derived by modification of differntial equations of the flow of heat in solids. In this paper, the latter ist compared to one that would apply to the »chemical ether«. Ways are... Read More
Erwiderung auf den kritischen Aufsatz von Klaus Frisch
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 56, 1992
Die kritische Betrachtung meiner Arbeit gibt mir Anlaß, Herrn Frisch zunächst meine Methode näher zu erläutern. Die Veraschung pflanzlicher Substanz mit anschließender Mineralanalyse ist in der Pflanzenphysiologie eine bewährte Methodik. Solche Forschungen werden in der... Read More
Eine kleine Methodenbetrachtung und ihre Folgen
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 56, 1992
In the course of a project aiming at a synopsis of the sweet grasses (poaceae), certain methodological questions urged their analysis. This paper describes the path which led the author in her considerations. A central principle of Goethe illuminates the problem on hand: The... Read More
Kritische Anmerkungen zu den Ausführungen Stephan Baumgartners über Hauschkas Wägeversuche
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 56, 1992
Wem Stoffverwandlung und Gewichtszunahme von keimenden Pflanzen nicht Wunders genug ist, bringe die Samen zusammen mit Wasser in Glasampullen und verschließe sie hermetisch. Unter Umständen offenbaren sich die Pflanzen im Keim-, Wachstums und Absterbeprozeß als Materie... Read More
Substanzbildung in Hanf, Brennessel und Hopfen in Bezug zu deren Zweihäusigkeit.
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 56, 1992
The following is an attempt to reach an understanding of the formation of poisonous substances in hemp (Cannabis sativa), hop (Humulus lupulus) and stinging nettle (Urtica dioica). These three plants are closely related; they belong to the group of the Urticales. All three... Read More
Can the World of Quantum Physics Teach Us Something About the Trinity?
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 56, 1992
In this short article I shall do something rather risky. There is a story about the great medical teacher Alain de Lille, called «Doctor universalis». He was walking on the banks of the Seine in Paris in 1168 the day before he was due to talk about the Trinity. He saw a small... Read More
Die Zweieinheit von Staub- und Fruchtblatt
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 56, 1992
To each other, stamen and pistil are polar and complementary plant organs. The stamen can be understood as a metamorphosis of the leafstem basis, the pistel as a metamorphosis of the leafblade (Lamina). What can be seen spatialy as two different leafforms, is one and the same... Read More
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 55, 1991
Die experimentellen Untersuchungen dieses Wirbels wurden im Jahr 1984 von Herrn Dr. F. Lusseyran in der Firma Helixor Heilmittel GmbH & Co in Rosenfeld durchgeführt. (10) Durch die mathematische Beschreibung dieses Wirbels hat Herr Dr. Lusseyran den Anstoß dazu gegeben,... Read More
Gerüststrukturen im Zellplasma
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 55, 1991
The cytoplasmic scaffold. Recently published notes by Rudolf Steiner concerning cytoplasmic structure and its significance for a «cosmological» understanding of the cell, as well as related excerpts from several lectures, are brought together with what has been learned about... Read More
Das Experiment von Einsingen
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 55, 1991
In a first paper it has been shown, how it is possible to «bend» the ends of a light spectrum by means of a strong magnetic field, as suggested by Rudolf Steiner. Eventually the ends meet each other from two opposite sides and at this point «peach blossom» colour appears (... Read More
Vorläufige Mitteilung über Tierkreisversuche mit dem Astrostat Dornach/Engelberg
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 55, 1991
Experiments are reported on in search of the effect of sychronized orientation to the zodiac on the growth of plants. In consecutive stages of the project the apparatus (astrostat) was modified. A description of the technique is given. Two experimental approaches were carried... Read More
Die Zweihäusigkeit bei der Blütenpflanze
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 55, 1991
Sexual dimorphism can be found in many dicotyle plant—families. This research shows that great differences can be observed in the morphology and development between pollen (male)- and seed (female) plants. The pollen plant suppresses vegetative growth in favour of the... Read More
Hinweis auf einen Bericht des Max-Planck-Instituts für Aeronomie
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 55, 1991
Kurzfassung. - Zwischen den Radien der Sonne, des Mondes und der Planeten sowie zwischen den großen Halbachsen der Planeten und deren natürlichen Satelliten bestehen ausnahmslos ziemlich einfache planimetrische Beziehungen. Sie gelten innerhalb der durch die Messungen... Read More
Lebensräume und Blattmetamorphose der Präparatepflanzen
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 55, 1991
The problem of making biological-dynamic preparations in climates where the recommended 6 plants do not grow readily is outlined. If a certain plant is to be replaced by another one the original species must be known thoroughly. Moreover the coherence in their mutual... Read More
Ganzheit und Teil in der Entwicklung des Lebendigen
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 54, 1991
Experimental research on development since the work of H. Driesch and H. Spemann led to the concept of the morp/oogenetic field (A. Gurwitsch, P. Weiss) A multitude of experimentally gained phenomena establish the basis on which this field proves to be an independent entity... Read More
Der Wirbelexponent als Parameter kosmischer und zentrischer Wirbelarten
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 54, 1991
Different types of vortices are introduced. They are found in nature or can be produced artificially in ways described here or in modifications thereof. In such vortices layers of fluid glide over each other, leading to shear, rotation and diffenences in pressure. Each type... Read More
Erkenntnis der unterphysischen Welt
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 54, 1991
In seeleing to develop explanatoryprinc1ples in the inorganic world, we are challenged to not forsake sense experience. This method is inapplicahle to sub—nature because of the lack of sense organs for this realm. In order to discover explanations for the phenomena of sub—... Read More
Organische Säuren
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 54, 1991
In his writing on natural science and in his lectures Rudolf Steiner frequently referred to certain substances in unusual terms. Matter is understood as a consequence of processes instead of their cause. Thus, they manifest imprints of higher forces and beings in well defined... Read More
Die Wiesen als Bild ihrer Umgebung
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 54, 1991
The relation between the different varieties of the false-oat-grass meadow (arrbenantheretum elatiornis) and their respective environments is investigated in a study comprising the following methodical steps:
- The integral impression of a chosen variety is... Read More
Beobachtungen an westeuropäischen Tagfaltern
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 53, 1990
Coloured Wings are the major manifestation of butterflies. In the present article a methodological approach is described to grasp the context of this phenomenon, on the basis of observations by Suchantke (1974, 1976). After eclosion from the pupa the colours of the wings are... Read More
Rückblick auf die Arbeitstage der Naturwissenschaftlichen Sektion
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 53, 1990
Wer mit der Hoffnung zu den Arbeitstagen gekommen war, daß hier der Weg vom Naturgesetz über die Individualität zur Gemeinschaftsbildung in eindeutiger, «objektiver» Weise zur Darstellung kommt, mußte wohl ziemlich enttäuscht nach Hause zurückkehren. Wem es aber Anliegen war... Read More
Das Wirken von Phosphor und Kalzium in der Entwicklung der Pflanze
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 53, 1990
The distribution of phosporus and calcium as a phenomenon of plant development has been analysed. A relation to Goethe’s principles of metamorphosis is proposed. The different but intimately connected influences of the two substances have a fundamental impact on plant life... Read More
Korrigenda zu Elemente der Naturwissenschaft, Nr. 52, Heft 1/1990
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 53, 1990
Aufsatz von Ruth Mandera, Christine Ballivet, Haijo Knijpenga: Untersuchungen mit der Methode der Empfindlichen Kristallisation am Bilsenkraut: [...]
Die Magnetfelder der Planeten und ihre Wirkungen auf die Materie
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 53, 1990
The magnetic fields of the planets and their effect on matter. A review of results of current space exploration is given, which shows each planet to have its own characteristic magnetic properties. Furthermore the signifigance of magnetic fields in the solar system,... Read More